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The Purple Pill - Part 1


| A grand vision without the means for creation is simply a dream.

Each stage features a set of operations that are ongoing projects to help along our journey.

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“I saw this video for the first time about 3 years ago, and it REALLY struck a chord. From the moment I set foot in school at the ripe old age of 5 or 6 I’ve known that our current system of education is seriously broken. My wife, and virtually everyone else I know, agrees wholeheartedly. In fact, my wife and I are so sure that traditional, formal education is broken that we’ve decided to NEVER allow our son to set foot in public school. Or private school. Or any school at all, at least not one that’s structured around such a hideously archaic system.

You see, we’re absolutely confident that we can do an infinitely better job of teaching our son than anyone else ever could. And we believe we can do it without taking from him the very essence of who he is. The greatest things that we are born with are imagination, creativity, and a sense of wonder, hope and possibility. We enter this world absolutely certain that anything is possible, with a flexible, sponge-like mind. But bit by bit, year after year, every one of those traits that make us exceptional is stamped and beaten and ground out of us until what’s left is just…average. The system likes conformity, not outliers.

Why the hell do we allow this to happen? And why the hell to we allow others to do this to our children? 50 years, 100 years, 1,000 years down the road, nobody will remember the sheep, the cogs in the machine, the factory workers and laborers…the average. Why should they?

We remember Plato and Einstein, Galileo and Michelangelo, Columbus and Alexander the Great…we remember the great, the visionaries, the heretics, the geniuses…not the mediocre. We remember, and revere, the exceptional. But each and every one of us, at birth, is exceptional. We’re the most intelligent, adaptable creatures on the planet. We have the ability to become absolutely anything that we set our minds to becoming. So why, why don’t we teach and train and encourage our children to not only keep the gifts that they come into the world with, but to actually reach for the stars? Why don’t we teach them that anything is possible??


I personally HATED school, more than words can ever effectively express. Do you know why? I hated school because I hated being told that things could only be done a certain way, that there was one acceptable path/solution/action. I have a crystal clear recollection of figuring out an alternate way to solve a math problem, and having my teacher tell me “that’s not the right way to solve the problem.” Who gives a flying crap if it isn’t the “right” way? I solved the bloody problem, didn’t I? It worked for other similar problems, so it was a valid path to the solution, yes? Then why wasn’t it acceptable? Because it wasn’t the “right” way.

The only part of life that is remotely linear is our lifespan, birth to death. Everything else goes every which way. Up, down, left, right, slant-ways, in ways, out ways…why, even up and out! Willy Wonka was one smart cookie I have always had a gift for taking complex things and finding simple solutions. I’m creative and imaginative by nature, and I believe the reason I had such a terrible time at school was because it kept trying to beat those things out of me. And so I just kept fighting, refusing to allow a flawed system to take from me the things that made me…me. But not everyone can persevere like that…most people give in, go with the flow, and lose an integral part of who they are along the way. I don’t say this to make me look better, or special, but to point out that way, WAY too many kids are being changed by school, and not for the better.

Beyond that Holy Vible is an app which represents a growing community of people who are on that path of seeking their higher selves. Of seeing the potential of themselves, and humanity, to engage with beauty, courage, honor, and virtue. That can help lead us all, to a new golden age.

Traditional, formal education is NOT the path to a better future. An alternative, modern, technological solution is needed, and I am SO grateful that my son is going to grow up in a world with options like Khan Academy, Udacity, Coursera, Udemy, YouTube, iTunes U, Project Gutenberg, CodeCademy, Treehouse,TED, Mixergy, CreativeLIVE …and the list goes on and on.

We live in a world where there is more knowledge available for free, online, to virtually anyone, virtually anywhere, than is housed in all the schools and universities on the planet. Hell, we now create more data every 2 days than we did cumulatively from the dawn of our species up to 2003…and we have access to virtually all of it online.

I’m grateful that my son will grow up in a world where he will be able to learn what he wants to learn, whatever he is passionate about and has an aptitude for, from anywhere, with no strictures or limitations. I would have killed to have the opportunities that he is going to have, and I am committed to making sure that he gets every opportunity to reach his full potential, whatever he decides that is.

We aren’t cogs in a machine. We aren’t clones. We aren’t spit out of an assembly line. We’re different. We have different backgrounds, experiences, talents, aptitudes, hopes, and dreams. There is no “one correct path”, and thank goodness that we live in a world where the “one size fits all” approach is finally being recognized for the farce that it is.” - Sam McRoberts

The downfall of value in modern day institutions is blatantly obvious to any person who spends 4 years of their life with effort towards creating value themselves. Instead of being taught to earn with your mind, you are taught to become a follower and memorizer. You never play with creating value in the real world, how is that in any way shape or form going to make you an expert at it? Outside of Medical, Law and Trade schools, this system is ready for upgraded alternatives.

Given every schools purpose is to teach you how to create value in the world, if the school needs to charge you to get in to teach you to create value, it is not a good enough institution to turn your work into value. If they charge you upfront, but not offer you rewards to earn back your money from successful course work, they are not a school that is serious about teaching you how to create value.

As the world progresses faster and faster changing the job market, our universities course materials continue to decline in value. On the other hand, the capability to turn a unique talent into life changing income has never been easier and the building blocks of founding a startup have never been more streamlined and prepackaged.

The entire goal of a university is to teach a student how to create value in the real world, but the curriculums today are outdated, and lack real world projects. Successful institutions should see a percent of their class make millions of dollars in their first few semesters. Beyond that, schools separate course work from the real world. They lack a focus on impact and value creation and separate the two making it impossible for students to truly test their capability to create value. Tuition to go to the school is proof of this failure in making the four years of a students time and effort into enough value to sustain the institution. Instead, institutions should be so good at teaching their students to create value that they pay the students to go to school.

Our Solutions:

In order to maximize impact, we are building institutions that hone in on direct value creation in the real world.

This is why we are launching Startup College.

We see Startup College as the best investment model for direct value creation. Our college completely de-risks the path of entrepreneurship while retaining the potential of the exponential path. We formed our course material baed on 1st principles thinking around the future of company building, storytelling and de-risking the choice to become a founder.

The best way we can build many ventures, and increase the founder supply is creating a founder college. This framework maximizes the economic good of founder potential and maximizes leverage by creating a startup ecosystem through a university framework.

Thiel Fellowship proved the potential to invest in bringing out founder potential and we believe that ability to derisk entry into the founder path is the most effective way to use capital to create outsized amounts of value in the world.

From a first principles perspective every company structure is a vision for the future created by a human or humans that utilizes capital or future potential of capital to give employees comfort/incentive to give their time towards providing value to the idea in different ways. Founders taking the risk of becoming a founder has become overvalued because a lack of supply. A Founders College not only taps into the positive framework for parents of their child attending a post-highschool training system, but allows the generation of the most valuable form of labor in business. We need more stories being told in the world of young people innovating, ones that we can support and follow rather than some tragedy we can do nothing about.

In this day an age, being a storyteller on the internet is not just a job for companies where pay is rapidly increasing, but an entire emerging economy structure. The power of storytelling is one thing, the next is that being a real human is far from being replaceable as a job.

With 50% of human attention now on the digital over physical, and the main point of that use being social media, it’d be hard not to create a massive industry from the people who have learned to master the social platforms and have their content seen by millions.

Instead of watching Disney Channel, kids are watching Tiktok. The top creators on these platforms have created generational wealth in just a couple years.

These Tiktok stars own their own future rather than being agents of Disney. They have direct ways to interact with their audience, and lead a future where anything they do now has more support, a bigger network, and people who are following their story.

The positive effects are truly priceless. I mean are we not impressed when two football teams sell out a stadium? With hundreds of staff, players, coaches, team, weeks of practice, and training camps the teams would get 50k people in that stadium. Now with the power of the internet people of all ages, of any background, can get a million plays, that’s 20 fully packed football stadiums, with eyes not on an entire field of players, just you. It’s obvious when stated this why how impactful this can be.


Colleges are getting outdated. People dedicating their time to learn the craft of content are joining an emerging creator economy. Meanwhile schools with increasing tuition train you for jobs which are being automated. Being a human is the last thing any artificial intelligence could do, literally. Talk about job security.

This is why we are launching California Creators Institute

Lastly, as we move towards a post scarcity society and the potential for existential dread increases in the face of rapidly changing culture and prior institutions/traditions, people will heighten their search for a coherent philosophy that not only resonates with them but provides pathways for community and action based on these principles.

As we explore operating new institutions and building new systems for people to learn to generate massive value in the world, there are two sectors that we are interested in focusing on that have not yet been fleshed out.

Altruism University (How to turn doing positive work into a job, How To Get Funding, How To Start Charities)

Ai University (AGI Research, How To Make Money With Ai, Getting Funded)

Goal: Offer Training Towards Independent Capability To Find Entrepreneurial Paths In The World.



From a business standpoint, conversations with hundreds of thousands of people online would be too slow and wasteful of our resources.

From a potential harm to humanity standpoint, intelligent bots that seem human will soon become experts at scamming people, and misleading them for extraction of profit.

This same software, has the potential to be widespread use for good.

The sooner we “abuse” this model for positivity, the sooner it will be patched by major platforms. Thus restricting malevolent actors down the line.

“The quicker this revolution takes place, the faster the sybil-resistant web comes online. This marks a prominent forward step for mankind. “ - Fourth Revolution Fund

We live in a world where there is more knowledge available for free, online, to virtually anyone, virtually anywhere, than is housed in all the schools and universities on the planet. Hell, we now create more data every 2 days than we did cumulatively from the dawn of our species up to 2003…and we have access to virtually all of it online.

I’m grateful that my son will grow up in a world where he will be able to learn what he wants to learn, whatever he is passionate about and has an aptitude for, from anywhere, with no strictures or limitations. I would have killed to have the opportunities that he is going to have, and I am committed to making sure that he gets every opportunity to reach his full potential, whatever he decides that is.

We aren’t cogs in a machine. We aren’t clones. We aren’t spit out of an assembly line. We’re different. We have different backgrounds, experiences, talents, aptitudes, hopes, and dreams. There is no “one correct path”, and thank goodness that we live in a world where the “one size fits all” approach is finally being recognized for the farce that it is.” - Sam McRoberts

The downfall of value in modern day institutions is blatantly obvious to any person who spends 4 years of their life with effort towards creating value themselves. Instead of being taught to earn with your mind, you are taught to become a follower and memorizer. You never play with creating value in the real world, how is that in any way shape or form going to make you an expert at it? Outside of Medical, Law and Trade schools, this system is ready for upgraded alternatives.

Given every schools purpose is to teach you how to create value in the world, if the school needs to charge you to get in to teach you to create value, it is not a good enough institution to turn your work into value. If they charge you upfront, but not offer you rewards to earn back your money from successful course work, they are not a school that is serious about teaching you how to create value.

As the world progresses faster and faster changing the job market, our universities course materials continue to decline in value. On the other hand, the capability to turn a unique talent into life changing income has never been easier and the building blocks of founding a startup have never been more streamlined and prepackaged.

The entire goal of a university is to teach a student how to create value in the real world, but the curriculums today are outdated, and lack real world projects. Successful institutions should see a percent of their class make millions of dollars in their first few semesters. Beyond that, schools separate course work from the real world. They lack a focus on impact and value creation and separate the two making it impossible for students to truly test their capability to create value. Tuition to go to the school is proof of this failure in making the four years of a students time and effort into enough value to sustain the institution. Instead, institutions should be so good at teaching their students to create value that they pay the students to go to school.



Using Generative Pre-Trained Syntax Model To Train Agents To Communicate, Build Relationships, And Attract People En-Masse.

We are using this influence to gain funding, recruit more people, shift mindsets in a positive direction.


Our Company:

⚡Spartan AI

Goal: Increase Networking Capability At Scale Using Large Language Models

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